Advertising and design are everywhere you look. It is experienced walking down the street, riding in a car, or sitting in a park. You can see advertising and design all around you just by doing these simple things. Many people think that they can be designers or making a poster is just throwing words on a page and putting it on a flyer to pass out on a street. When starting with a project I begin on paper, coming up with at least five designs. I write down my ideas making sure to express each within design. The next step is figuring out my color pallete and theme. Depending on the theme, I select my type and after that I put this design together as if it’s a puzzle. Sometimes you think you have the pieces together, but one thing might not be in the right spot. Finally, it all fits together and you just know when it’s done. No matter what job you have, packaging or advertising, being able to be a diverse designer is what will help give you a better piece in the long run.